a certain girl

a certain girl
A Certain Girl ... She likes scarfs

Yoichi haiku

I spoke to a girl
With two large round breasts
It was wonderful

(from asu no Yoichi)


Deluge Openssl and Libtorrent patch :
(updated 14/01/2019)

Arora 0.10.2 Kousuke Build*
MF IH.org

Arora 0.11.0 Kousuke Build2**

download openssl from slproweb.com:
download latest full version not light
place files in installation directory

download openssl here:
(updated 2/14/2013)
Extract 7zip-archive
place files in installation directory

Dumpimages releases


donderdag 23 december 2010

Study and learn

I'm currently learning more about programming
To really do something with programming
I have to up my knowledge a bit

Don't worry I won't make a diary of my studies
that would be boring
this is just a one-time notice

maandag 13 december 2010

Dumpimages 0.3

The script dumps all images from one html page

Using python3 and lxml
(specifically lxml.html and xpath)



follow the development on this forum:

woensdag 20 oktober 2010

Arora a new update ...

Here is a more updated version of my build of arora
Openssl seems to be picky
but otherwise a good release for use :)

arora 0.11.0 kou installer

I leave this version online until I build a better one
currently considered as broken

donderdag 16 september 2010

Dump images to html

I'm currently busy with a program to dump images from a html page
It's kinda limited in what it can do
I don't recommend you use it :p
this is actually a beginner python program
to know a bit more on how programming works
in real practice

woensdag 25 augustus 2010

Arora web browser

this is an open source webkit-based browser
I have build a far less buggy program then the original win32 build was

Flash and latest openssl build included :)
To use flash you have to install the firefox version of it
build with msvc 2008
the biggest downside I have encountered is the incompatibility with email programs
ask your current email site for support for webkit :)

download here

the original site is


if you submit bugs to the original site
be sure to comment that you are using my build of arora
(call it arora 0.10.2-1 kousuke build)