a certain girl

a certain girl
A Certain Girl ... She likes scarfs

Yoichi haiku

I spoke to a girl
With two large round breasts
It was wonderful

(from asu no Yoichi)


Deluge Openssl and Libtorrent patch :
(updated 14/01/2019)

Arora 0.10.2 Kousuke Build*
MF IH.org

Arora 0.11.0 Kousuke Build2**

download openssl from slproweb.com:
download latest full version not light
place files in installation directory

download openssl here:
(updated 2/14/2013)
Extract 7zip-archive
place files in installation directory

Dumpimages releases


maandag 7 februari 2011

Arora browser continue

I've released another more up-to-date arora build
It still has ssl connection problems but far less then the previous build
If you're using this build NEVER answer yes on the question
or you're connection is not secured

The builds with the least of this problems is the shogun build
and my 0.10.2 release

I suspect this issue wil be resolved later with a more recent version of openssl

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Which version is better (hass less problems)-- the 0.11.0 Kousuke Build 2 or the 0.10.2??

    I am using your 0.11.0 Build 2 now, and it is very good, with only a few problems-- I like it!

  2. It is personal preference :)
    but you shouldn't use this browser anymore for security-related problems (security is outdated)

  3. OK, are there any updates with SSL? Will you continue to make more Arora builds as updates come out? I really like this browser, but I do all of my banking, email, blogging, etc.-- on another browser (Iron by SRWare). Is this OK? Am I safe?

  4. Yes,it's safe as long as you don't use ssl

    you can download ssl for the the 0.10.2 build here:
    choose te full version not the light
    and copy them to you're installation folder

    I have the libraries already
    I didn't add them because I'm still experimenting with qtwebkit2
    and thought to release it then
    But this took more time than I expected so i'll post openssl
    with installation instructions

    If I will continue the support for this browser
    is something I'm not sure of

  5. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
