I mentioned it would be possible
but sorry to get your hopes up
I looked further into it and qt5 is quite different from qt4
So it would take rewriting parts of the code
which nobody is doing :p
on the plus side there will be a new webkit for qt4.8 named qtwebkit 2.3
which will work very easy with the current code :)
but its still months away from being released (I think)
the program will still be 32-bit because 64-bit is introduced in QT5
a certain girl

A Certain Girl ... She likes scarfs
Yoichi haiku
I spoke to a girl
(from asu no Yoichi)
With two large round breasts
It was wonderful
(from asu no Yoichi)
Deluge Openssl and Libtorrent patch :
(updated 14/01/2019)
Arora 0.10.2 Kousuke Build*
MF IH.org
Arora 0.11.0 Kousuke Build2**
download openssl from slproweb.com:
download latest full version not light
place files in installation directory
download openssl here:
MF (updated 2/14/2013)
Arora 0.11.0 Kousuke Build2**
download openssl from slproweb.com:
download latest full version not light
place files in installation directory
download openssl here:
MF (updated 2/14/2013)
Qupzilla still use qt4.83, qt5 is quite different, so take your time, dear Kousuke.
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni noticed you never add your credit in your Arora build, that's so chivalry.
Anyway, we love arora.
i've tried qupzilla 1.40, [QT 4.8.4 Webkit 537.21], still test build but rather good.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBesides, David also consider use qtwebkit 2.3 compile is a good idea.
I was hoping to make a media CD using Arora, but I can't get files on local media (HD, CD, USB etc.) to open and download on any version. When I try to open a pdf adobe pdf viewer hangs and when I try to download a file I get an error message:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenUnknown error
When connecting to: file:///C:/xxx/ex.docx.
Check the address for errors such as ww.arora-browser.org instead of www.arora-browser.org
Is there an easy way to get local files to download?
Yep, i use PDF-XChange PDF Viewer, but Arora doesn't support this plugin.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPDF links pointing to http locations open just fine - using the default PDF viewer, or if no viewer is present a Save As dialog appears.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBut if the PDF is a local file this is what happens:
- with plugins enabled both the previous versions and your version of Aurora hang.
- if I disable plugins - the old versions give the above error. Your version show the ASCII content of the pdf.
If I try to open a local doc link I see the above error in all versions. A http doc link brings up a Save As dialog.
I tried to set up an external downloader, but this also does not work for local files.
Dear Daniel, i can't believe there're still some Arora user like U & me. :)